Saturday, June 19, 2010

After 11 Tools Reflection

This was a very productive and enganging journey. I was able to look at all these tools that I have right on my finger tips and the most valuable thing is that I can apply them in my classroom.

1. Now I have so many things in my tool box, that is kind of hard for me to think of just a couple. My favorite ones are: woki, google docs, diigo, wordle, bookr, photo story (I really liked this one), video resources and of course mobile application.
I wil defenetely use more than one in my classroom. Bookr is a great tool for them to make their own picture books and help them with their writing and reading skills. I will also implement the photo story, where they can make their own stories and of course macs and iTouches to reinforce math skills.

2. It is always good to be reminded of all the wonderful tools and how you can apply them in the classroom. It gave me more ideas of how I can use some of these tools that had already been exposed. I learned that there are times when things will come right and tither times no, but that just helps you to be better at it. It takes practice!!!!

3. I was very happy with the outcome of the class and like I said before it was a very and productive class for me.

Tool # 11: Digital Citizenship

Having rules and norms in our community to follow is what makes us be good and better citizens. Just like that students also follow the rules when using technology, that way they will give a good and better use of technology.

There are three main norms that need to be follow:

1.- Security and Safety: I will model and guide them how to use the Internet in the correct and safer way by pointing out the things that should not be done while using the Internet. Also showing them the right things to do. They need to be giving a clear understanding on how we handle all the things that the Internet have to offer us. It is also very important they are being constantly reminded that technology needs to be handle with care.

2.- Etiquette: I will model how to be respectful to other student's work. This is a good connection to our Tribes Agreement: "No Put Downs". When we post things about our own ideas or opinion is just like you were saying it face to face. Furthermore students need to be aware that we need to respect's other opinions.

3.- Responsibility: I will model how to take responsibility of their own work and in order to be successful at using technology they need to know that there are boundaries and we are not allow to go over them. By being respectful, they are compromise to give them credit when using some of their work.

These norms will be model, model, model and model. They also will be practice and reinforce in the classroom at all the times.

Tool # 10: Exploring Mobile Technology and App

I am still in the process of learning how to use mac computers. Iphones and iTouches are similars and I had been exposed to iPhones before. I love having the technology right at hand. I have internet on my phone and I really don't know what I would do without it. It even has an application that I can use to chat with my family and friends that are far away (like texting, but without the cost). It helps me with so many things, like maps, e-mails, appointments, reminders, quick searches, etc. I love having it!

My students this year really loved the mac computers and the iTouches were they favorites. They were exploring and were able to use the different math games the iTouches have. On the macs they got to explore in capturing images and recording videos. I have to say that mac computers are the best for creating and editing videos and the tagging of the pictures I think is pretty cool. I know it has a lot more things (too bad I don't have one at home to play with it).

The iTouches have a variety of applications that my kids can use just like there were on a computer, but right at hand. I think for my first graders is a lot more convinient because they can easily get from one application to another using their finger tips without having to click with the mouse on it.

Tool # 9: Sharing Information Through Jin and Skipe

I have been exposed to Skipe, since most of my friends and family are far away. Skipe is a great way to communicate with people that are far away at a lower cost (other countries). You can also use a video camera and you are talking live. It is a great idea for the students to communicate with other students that are not just in the same City, but different State and even Country. Adding Jing to it, makes it very complete because you are not just talking live, but you can also capture something that you might be working on your computer and you need the other person to see while discussing it over voice. Once again you don't have to rely on e-mails going back and ford. You can let the other person know what you are talking about right there. Teachers can help students over the internet and can also communicate with other teachers to work in a project.

Tool # 8: Video Resources

I like video clips. There are a good way to integrate with lessons or reinforced a lesson already taught in class. When I use them in my classroom my students always make connections with them and the topic taught previously. There is a great variety of videos that can be use for Science and Social Studies.

The following are the 2 videos I picked.

Video 1: The first video is about non-standard measurement for Math in 1st grade. This a very nice activity to do in the classroom, so they get to see how it works before we do it in the classroom.

Video 2: This last video is about solid, liquid and gas, which is a Science Unit in first grade. Not only shows what is a liquid, solid and gas, but their transformations.

Tool # 7: Digital Storytelling

My experience with making the photo video started off very nice, but when it was time to add the song I wanted..... I spent a couple of hours and I still didn't get to add the song I wanted. I even bought the song in iTunes and changed it to an mp3 version. But the program kept saying that it wasn't a song, so I ended up adding another song that I had in my iTunes (I still don't understand why it didn't let me do it :(). So here is my video about my class' field trip to the zoo.

The original song I wanted to use was "The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens", which you can listen to in the link bellow.

Tool # 6: Wikis

I have an account, but I haven't started a wiki. It is like creating something with the help of other people but at their own convenience. You can work with other colleagues or individuals in projects. Also it gets rid of the using e-mail back and ford. Students can also use it to build their own pages with the help of each other and being monitor by the teacher. I think it increases the student's creativity. You can exchange ideas and it is even better for people that are afraid of expressing their ideas in public and they can just do it through a wiki.

Tool # 5: Tagging and Social Bookmarking

Bookmarking is a great way to save some good pages that you find when you are web surfing. It is even better that you can not only tag them by category, but you can access them in other computers by logging in on Diigo. You can also share them with other colleagues, groups and even post them in your blog. Students can not only search, but save their search and share it with other students. I joined the group called Educators. I found the following links using the words: math resources 1st grade, library organization, classroom ideas. I really liked the last link I found.. That will be my ideal classroom library ;) Enjoy the links!!

First Grade Math Resources | Diigo

Counting Money | Diigo

Library Organization | Diigo

Tool # 4: Using cool Google tools to share information

Google Docs is a convenient way of sharing your calendar, documents, videos, presentations, etc.. I have been using it for a while with a friend. We work collaborative to organize different events. This is a great tool to use with other teachers to share documents like roadmaps, presentations or anything we make. I am following 5 other teachers. I like the way how everything is link together. Google is awesome!!! You can blog, e-mail, create and share documents at the same time. Love it!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tool # 3: Using image generators and mashups

Using image generators and mashups is a great idea to sort pictures together by a certain category and use for Science and Social Studies. I played with a couple of the programs there were on the list and I decided to use wordle and bookr. Wordle is a great way for kids to put sentences together and using bookr they can make their own books using very neat pictures. I made a mini insects book :). This is just an example of what you can make using this program. I will definitely play around with it more and probably add more pictures an text to it.

My insects book:

Tool # 2: Building Community and Comments

It was interesting to see other teachers' blog and I really enjoyed. Of course not everyone is going to have the same opinions as you and I think that is part of learning as long as you can accept criticism and you also know how to give it. Commenting is a good way to express your point of view and share new ideas to an specific subject. Also getting the comments makes you look at one topic from different angles.

Creating online communities and participating in PLNs is a great tool for teachers, since they can learn from each other and share ideas. You can communicate with teachers from other districts, cities and Countries. I think teaching is a long life learning, so what better way to keep learning than learning from each other.

I commented at the following blogs:

- Teachers like us
- Laura's 11
- Renee's Blog
- Learning Curve
- Online Gadgets

I will keep commenting!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tool #1: Blog Set up and Registration

Even though I have used a blog before, I can say that I found out new things, like creating an Avatar. I really enjoyed creating it. This is a great idea for the kids to each have their own avatar and be able to publish things and have discussions about an specific topic on their blogs. They can publish their own work and receive comments about it and they can also comment and become fans of other blogs. They can learn new things from the blogs they follow or their followers. I am very excited to find out more new things. Keep tune for tool #2.