Friday, June 18, 2010

Tool # 2: Building Community and Comments

It was interesting to see other teachers' blog and I really enjoyed. Of course not everyone is going to have the same opinions as you and I think that is part of learning as long as you can accept criticism and you also know how to give it. Commenting is a good way to express your point of view and share new ideas to an specific subject. Also getting the comments makes you look at one topic from different angles.

Creating online communities and participating in PLNs is a great tool for teachers, since they can learn from each other and share ideas. You can communicate with teachers from other districts, cities and Countries. I think teaching is a long life learning, so what better way to keep learning than learning from each other.

I commented at the following blogs:

- Teachers like us
- Laura's 11
- Renee's Blog
- Learning Curve
- Online Gadgets

I will keep commenting!!!


  1. I agree with you when you say that commenting is a good way to express different points of view. Listening to other people's points of view will enrich you and open your mind to new ways of looking at things.

  2. I think this a great tool to communicate with your colleagues or others within your field. We as teachers are always looking for new ideas or opinions. This tool will be helpful on sharing information and learning from others.
